Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chris and Jessica - Couples

These two are so much fun! I took their pictures back in June. It was for their anniversary. We had a blast just goofing off in the hot June sun. I wanted to try a spot that kind of reminded me of True Blood (a show that both Jessica and I are huge fans of) but when we got up close to it I chickened out. Chris said that there could be snakes out there, and there was just no way I was stepping out there. The picture where they are trying to touch hands was close to the spot. It's under the Lock and Dam bridge heading into Barling.

I love the first one with it's very hazy feel to it. It kind of looks like they are in a fogged up shower. H-O-T!!!

Click on the pictures to view them larger!


About This Blog

This blog is used to showcase my journey as a photographer. Photography is somewhat new to me in the sense that it is a field that is always evolving. I love learning all the new tricks to photography. But, I also love seeing something new through the lens of a camera.

My main photographical interest is people. I especially enjoy the lifestyle look. To me it's a more natural look and it captures who that person(s) truly is.

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