Thursday, October 14, 2010

Portraits for United Way Part 5 -- Fort Smith, AR Photographer

These boys had me chasing them all over the place. And they're twins, too. Can you tell them apart? One had green marker on their legs and that was the only way I could tell.

When they finally stayed still long enough for me take a picture they would give me the silliest poses and smiles. They had me laughing.

This picture makes me laugh! And I thought about editing out the green marker, but thought it looked kind of cool.

Click on the pictures to view them larger!


About This Blog

This blog is used to showcase my journey as a photographer. Photography is somewhat new to me in the sense that it is a field that is always evolving. I love learning all the new tricks to photography. But, I also love seeing something new through the lens of a camera.

My main photographical interest is people. I especially enjoy the lifestyle look. To me it's a more natural look and it captures who that person(s) truly is.

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