Friday, October 15, 2010

Portraits for United Way Part 10 -- Fort Smith, AR Photographer

Ashley and Matt were mine and Jessica's favorite session of the day! A bunch of giggling via me and Ashley. A lot of name calling via Matt. Apparently, Jessica and I are both crazy. Well, duh! We're awesome like that! Oh, and we're both fangbangers because we love True Blood and Vampire Diaries. I just have to say Jessica and I both were into vampires years before Twilight popularized it. I just had to say that. LOL!

Love this picture! They both have such gorgeous eyes!

Another favorite of mine. They make such a cute couple!

Don't forget to click on the pictures to view them larger!


About This Blog

This blog is used to showcase my journey as a photographer. Photography is somewhat new to me in the sense that it is a field that is always evolving. I love learning all the new tricks to photography. But, I also love seeing something new through the lens of a camera.

My main photographical interest is people. I especially enjoy the lifestyle look. To me it's a more natural look and it captures who that person(s) truly is.

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