Friday, October 15, 2010

Portraits for United Way Part 9 -- Fort Smith, AR Photographer

As soon as the little girl arrived she told me that she had just woken up. I understand, I enjoy my sleep, too. I did manage to get a couple of smiles out of her. The rest of the time was lots of yawning. LOL!

I love this one of the dad and daughter. So cute!

Can you tell that she was tired?

Don't forget to click on the pictures to view them larger!


About This Blog

This blog is used to showcase my journey as a photographer. Photography is somewhat new to me in the sense that it is a field that is always evolving. I love learning all the new tricks to photography. But, I also love seeing something new through the lens of a camera.

My main photographical interest is people. I especially enjoy the lifestyle look. To me it's a more natural look and it captures who that person(s) truly is.

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